I spent $25 yesterday on a piece of cake. And some cheese popcorn. I spent $25 on some chocolate mousse the day before. And even though I've been trying to reduce my animal product intake overall, I'm going Paleo for two weeks, starting TODAY. I'm not just going to eat meat without apology for two weeks, I'm going full Paleo in an attempt to get to my Diet Bet weight loss game goal weight by October 6.
You see, I joined Diet Bet "My Fitspiration 3" with Olivia Ward and Hannah Curlee (related? Dunno?) from Biggest Loser a few weeks ago, betting $25 I could loose 4% of my body weight in about one month. Then I ate mostly whatever I wanted. I'm just not one for rules, I suppose, even when I set them myself. I joked when indulging that the item cost me $25. It cost $25 because when eating it there was no way I could win my diet bet or get my money back at least. But I enjoy the naughty food so very much.
Meanwhile, I have watched my 70 year old Dad slim down over the past year while my weight stayed the same. My Dad is a big tall guy and to see his potbelly disappear has been awesome. I am so proud of how healthy and fit he looks and feels at his age, at any age. He's been eating Paleo. Pretty interesting to have him here at our house during our vegan phase. He's going to meet his goal of weighing what he weighed in high school. He hasn't changed much of anything but his diet. And now that he is slimmer he is running more. He gloats over his diet. His buddies are eating Paleo too, quite willingly. And he strays from the diet from time to time, especially when is with us and I don't have anything Paleo around.
The only solid weight change I have seen was when I did the Beach Body 5 Day Jump Start Challenge. I actually followed the meal plan and lost 6 pounds. That was lower carb, no junk food...I had sugar withdrawals! But I followed a plan, something I rarely do. I think it is time to follow a plan again. With the Diet Bet weight loss game I need to loose a small amount of weight, but more than I have lost in years. I need to see 177 on the scale on October 6th to "win". That is 4% of my body weight. I haven't seen anything near that number since having kids. Five years. I like my body, I'm grateful over what it can do but I would like there to be less of it I need more energy. I need to take some control over my sugar addiction. I want to have some control over ME. I feel exhilerated when I exercise, when I eat well.
Plus, John and I already signed up and PAID FOR the 10K at this years Turkey Trot. And we haven't been running much. Well, I haven't. That's gotta change too, so I am motivated to work out daily...at least for most of the next two weeks.
I'll do a weekly recap each week, but I won't blog every day about this since there are a lot more important things in the world to think or talk about aside from the size of my posterior. But I will check in and do a daily recap once a week. Consider joining your own Diet Bet Weight Loss Game. I hope you encourage me, cheer me, wouldn't it be great to actually set a goal and meet it, together?
So who has advice for me? Who wants to try Paleo with me?
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