
Makeup Tip for Mamas: Try Birchbox!

Are you "Just a mom?"  (Boy is that a loaded question!)  Growing older and becoming a mama has changed me so deeply in good and bad ways.  I love being a mother, watching my girls grow and watching myself grow in the process.  My heart breaks with joy often the same day I have already cried in frustration.  
Feeling Gorgeous in Professional Makeup & Hair for the "Little Black Dress" Runway!

One of the challenges I have written about is maintaining  my "Inner Bombshell" as a mama--heck as a grown up!  I see makeup tutorials with detailed steps and I harrumpf.  I usually wear makeup out of the house these days, and at least lipstick...but the attention to detail these young lovelies have before children...HA!    If only I had endless time to devote to me, myself and my loveliness.  Then I may just use two kinds of eyeliner, or do something with my eyebrows, or use a lip liner, lipstick AND lip gloss all at the same time to "create a look". But no.  

I use a BB or CC Cream, eyeliner, eyeshadow, mascara and ALWAYS Lipstick.  If I am gittin' all fancy, I may add blush or highlighter, or concealer.

My latest Birchbox Box!
One thing I have REALLY been enjoying is Birchbox.  I am not super into makeup and I do not spend a lot of time or money on it.  But I do like learning new things when I am in the mood.  With a ten dollar monthly Birchbox subscription you get a little box of fun.  The Birchbox box is usually filled with generously sized samples and often a full sized sample too. I've found a heavenly face cream, nibbled chocolate, tried a nail polish I'd never heard of, and enjoyed trying several new lipsticks.  I just LOVE Birchbox!!!  

For me I really enjoy getting a little SURPRISE in the mail every month. I rarely even buy the products, I just enjoy trying all the fancy little things. Check out this video of the fun things coming in my box...I expect to see either a full size eyeliner or a mini polish..Ruby Wing is THE BEST...I already own some.  This is one small way I pamper myself as a woman...even if I do not choose to spend a lot of time on my makeup on a daily basis.
Opera Outing with my Dad!

Also, for you frugal gals, when you post reviews of products you try or buy (or already love) on Birchbox, you get points for credit on your account.  I certainly do not knock myself out to leave reviews, but even I made $30 to spending the Birchbox shop!

Plus you get other freebies and deals on special extra sample boxes, gift with purchases and contests.  I even like their beauty videos and sneak peeks of the monthly box before it arrives.  It is just a little fun for me amidst the daily "momness" of my days.  I get a little selfish Bombshell Mama time, and that is PRICELESS for me. You know my marriage gets an OOMPH too!  

Please try it out for yourselves.  You would spend as much on a lipstick you would get home with and try on  and realize it is the wrong color.  You would spend as much on two fancy Starbucks coffee drinks.  Try out Birchbox and let me know what you think.  If you click on this link you will give me credit for sending you, and I sure would love that!

I know many of you already enjoy Birchbox...any product tips for us? 

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