
Modern Moms Launches THIS MORNING in Valparaiso, Indiana!

I want to encourage women.  I struggle to balance this with my own shortcomings and need for encouragement on a daily basis.  Here on the blog I do many things, including encourage you, hopefully to your enjoyment.  But I haven't shared my biggest change this year with you.  I began leading a Moms Ministry at my church.  My friend from the moms group Connie Hazelett led the moms group for eight years and thought maybe it was time for a change.  She talked to me about it and I started leading the moms group mid year last year.  I was elated, honored and scared to death I would cuss in a meeting.  I did, actually.  (Sorry Jesus.)

While this Modern Moms deal hasn't  been a secret, I haven't said anything much here on the blog until now.  I like to be funny here, I like to share my heart here, I like to hear from you guys here.  Y'all know I love Jesus.  I hope I do that in a way that inspires instead of puts off.  I hope you as my friend and reader are able to take what you need from my words on faith and leave the chaff behind.  I hope you know I value you even if we do not have the same beliefs.   And I value your beliefs, too.  I'm a weird Christian and I like that about myself.

So today is the Fall Launch of Modern Moms and I am excited.  Valpolife shared about it online.  It was also in the NWI Times newspaper!   We have invited the community at large into our group for breakfast and free childcare.  We hope our regular attenders come back for more of what they already enjoyed and we hope some new mamas wander in looking for refreshment.  I want to inspire women so that they can be filled up with the energy to inspire others themselves.  Life is hard and wonderful and none of us are grateful enough for what is in front of us.  When we want what we have, we do not need much.

If you are a mom of any age or stage in NWI area, c'mon by this morning.  At 9:30am we will be having breakfast together.  We will be talking about Shiny Things together.  We will be inspired, together.  I cannot wait!

Find us on Facebook "Modern Moms Valpo FUMC" or by clicking here.

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Oh boy! we are chatting now!