
Haiku Challenge Friday: Puppy

Haiku Challenge Friday!  

A Haiku is a three line poem with 5 syllables the first line, 7 syllables the second line and 5 again for the last line. 

My Dad is a BIG Haiku guy, he loves them and has compiled his into several books.  I do it randomly and rarely but always enjoy the process. It usually starts with an idea or a moment in life I want to capture.

Haiku Challenge participants...just write your haiku in the comments below!

Please email me a Haiku Challenge if you would like to be a Guest Challenger. Include the challenge word and your starting Haiku poem.

Here is this week's challenge Haiku:

Poor Steve is thirteen
We'll teach an old dog new tricks
Get him a puppy?

Your challenge word to use in your haiku is : PUPPY

Let's hear your haiku!

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