
Bodacious Blog of the week: Mumbling Mommy!

Five years ago when I was blogging regularly, one of my paid gigs was with this great mom blog "Mumbling Mommy".  The owner Katie Parsons was helpful to me as I worked on my blog and let me post content on their site.  Since then I have enjoyed their posts and the variety of viewpoints. 

Mumbling Mommy's  recent post on how to have inexpensive fun during the summer caught my eye and I wanted to share it...don't we all need some ideas?  

If you are a mama, this blog is for you!  

Follow them on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter & tell them Heather Novak sent you.

If you would like to see the Mumbling Mommy posts from me, here they are!  

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Oh boy! we are chatting now!