
Tiny Red Kitchen: Nailed It Unicorn Cake

When kids get to a certain age, like between 5 and 25 years old,  it is beyond difficult to find an appropriate movie or tv show to watch together as a family.  NO!  I do not want to watch Captain Underpants. Again.  With our young daughters we fell into Netflix's show "Nailed It!" with wild abandon.  All of us would laugh together and watch as the hapless bakers fumbled at comedic levels.  The unicorn cake episode was our favorite and we decided to make our own version of it.  

We used a box cake mix since I discovered long ago it keeps nicer than scratch cake mix.  You may have read my chocolate cupcake in spin class post . For the fondant we used Wilton Fondant but made our own icing.  

Every one got to participate, adding their own magic to the final cake.  In our tiny red kitchen it was tricky to work peaceable and there may have been tears and yelling. The ugly cake tasted great, and I know there is no golden chef's hat in my future.   How about you?  Have you made this unicorn cake everyone is talking about on Pinterest?  I'd love to see your cake fails.  Maybe you NAILED IT!??!

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