
Tiny Red Kitchen: UPDATED Easier than Pancakes and More Marvelous: Dad's Dutch Baby Pancakes

NOTE: My dear Father corrected my recipe 1/17, try these measures instead, friends!

Once upon a time I stole a frying pan from a sweet little old lady.  I'd invited her to breakfast, but like most twenty somethings I didn't have most of what I needed to actually make the breakfast I'd invited her over for, including the cast iron pan.  The little old lady was the Beautiful and Brilliant M.D. and Professor at Colorado. U. School of Medicine: my Great Aunt Lula Lubchenco. 

 (P.s Lula Lubchenco developed a specialized practice in care of preemies which spurred worldwide interest and led to thousands of babies living, not dying and growing normally.  (One of my Dad's UU friends, Bob Shuman, was a Neurologist who was a fan of her "Lula-gram"...a measurement of baby head circumference which became a definitive diagnosis indicating different effective treatment regimens for varying degrees of prematurity.  ANYHOO....) . I'd moved to Denver Colorado and wanted to thank her for cosigning for my new apartment.  I invited her over for what is a Curlee Family traditional breakfast of Dutch Babies. I asked her to bring cast iron skillet.

For those of you  who are unfamiliar, a Dutch baby is a crispy, chewy, light German pancake one sprinkles with powdered sugar and freshly squeezed lemon juice.  In that order. (If you put the lemon juice on first you are wrong.)                                                                                                                                                                        My friend Dana recently mentioned that she STILL thinks about the breakfast I made for her a long time ago and she lamented that she had yet to make Dutch babies of her own...this one is for YOU Dana!
A dutch Baby is a forgiving thing, but what you use or adjust definitely changes the outcome. I strongly recommend you use cow milk, white flour and eggs for your first time.  I've made them with almond milk, flax eggs' wheat flour, white whole wheat and every variation of measurements.  It is always good, but plain old white flour and cow milk is best.  

Jim Curlee's Dutch Babies Pancakes
Directions are for a basic cast iron skillet.  If using a large deep cast iron skillet or for a softer baby, use 4 eggs, 1 cup flour and 1 cup milk.
1/2 stick butter
3 eggs
3/4 cup White Flour
3/4 cup Milk
powdered sugar
lemon wedges
Turn Oven to 425 Degrees.
Place 1/2 stick butter in cast iron skillet and place in oven as it heats up to browning.
Mix in blender or similar:
three eggs
3/4 cup Milk
3/4 cup White Flour
You can use more or less of each item with satisfying results....this is  fairly forgiving endeavor.
When butter in skillet begins to brown, pour in batter and bake for 20 minutes. The initial presentation of the Dutch Baby is breathtaking but it falls and flattens out quickly so make sure you guests are seated at the table before bringing it out of the oven.  Slice in pie slices and serve on plates.  each person sprinkles the powdered sugar on and then squeezes lemon over.  (HEY! Putting the lemon on first is WRONG.  Wrong, I tell you.)  
This round of Babies was made with King Arthur's White Whole Wheat and half  Bolthouse's Plant Milk, half cow milk (2%).  For the second baby I threw frozen berries on top of the batter.   I also like to sautés sliced apples in butter and brown sugar and add the to one of the Babies.  For our family of four we easily finish two of these as a meal.

Aunt Lu and I had a wonderful breakfast in my little Pearl Street apartment.  She let me keep the skillet and I have it still.  My collection has grown to four skillets and Dutch Babies are made in a regular rotation in our home.                                                                                     

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