
Lessons on Kindness from a Unicorn in Target

I've had this weird, tight feeling in my soul all day, and I hope that writing about it will help. 
I saw a unicorn today and learned something about life, too. I was waiting for the Pet Supplies Plus store to open this morning so I could exchange...I am ashamed to admit...a dog sweater.  I've been a perfectly normal dog owner for twenty years, but the newest addition to our family wants sweaters.  Well, that is a lie since she...well never mind.  

I went into Target, my happy place, to get a few loaves of bread since we were out at the Novak house.  As I approached the check out I saw a HUGE UNICORN HEAD sitting in a shopping cart.  I reached out to touch it in wonder and adult confusion.  I saw myself having a lot more fun handing out Halloween candy wearing it next year.  I thought about how delighted my daughters would be to see their grouchy mama wearing something so comical and silly.

"That is already purchased!" a voice said.  What I'd thought was some weird clearance display of Halloween costumes, cart after cart of them, was actually snaking toward a cash register.  I saw a small slender woman with long mousy brown hair standing there, attentive to the increasing total.  At least five overflowing shopping carts made a line away from her.  She was buying all of the clearance costumes.  

"Pardon me, ma'am, would you let me buy one of these unicorn heads?  I have two daughters who would get a kick out of this." No response.  There were probably ten various costume heads in her caravan of carts, at least 5 were unicorns."Ma'am?"  Finally the woman cashing her out directed her to me, and the long haired woman muttered that it wasn't up to her.  That "He is out loading the car."  

I was annoyed and bummed.  I turned to my cashier and said I wanted to just pick one up.   She said "She'll never know."  I didn't do it, because I would know.  I like to choose well when I can.  I asked for a manager and she said she was one.  I laughed because she'd advised me to just take one.  I paid for my bread and a man joined the long haired woman.  I asked him if I could have one of the unicorn heads to buy and he hemmed and hawed and said no.  I felt hot and mad and lots of other feelings.  I asked if they were reselling them and he said "That's none of your business!" I was taken aback, offended and madder than ever.  I left the store.

I thought about how greedy they were.  I felt sad I lost the chance to buy a $30 unicorn head for $3.  I wondered if they were using a stolen credit card because they felt so furtive and...weird about it all.  Neither of them made any eye contact with me.  They certainly didn't interact with me like nice people.


Was I a selfish, entitled rich brat?  Was this their livelihood?  Did they struggle?  Were they afraid and stressed and gambling their future on this purchase?  I began to pray.  I asked God to heal the horrible yucky feeling in my chest.  I asked Him to bless the two people.  I thanked God for blocking my acquisition of a giant unicorn head I would then have to store.  I prayed that their lives, health, business and homes would be blessed.  I prayed I was the last person they were rude to.  I prayed that they would have what they needed, be safe, and live better lives.  The tightness in my chest eased.  I felt disappointed but also grateful for the unicorn trouble.  

Later, I told my two daughters I saw a unicorn in Target.  I told them a tale of guarding our hearts and choosing who we want to be in each moment God gives us.  Unicorns are fleeting but kindness, peace, love...those should always be found.

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