
I've Ruined My Perfect Kids!

I am reading two books about not screwing up my children.  "Am I Messing Up My Kids?" By Lysa Terkeurst and "Hands Free Mama" by Rachel Macy Stafford.  The first book is for an online bible study I am doing that starts this week.   The second book we will be reading in my Valparaiso Indiana Modern Moms Group this Fall.  I'm obviously very worried or not at all worried because I just know I'm going to mess up my kids.  It is going to happen.  *cue therapist couch jokes here*  This morning as I sat with my two young daughters and talked about our plans for the day, it became horribly clear I have already done it.  I have stolen their childhood innocence.  I have trained them up into staid adults at the slight age of three and five years old.  I am a horrible mother.

I gave them a choice of playdough or painting and
they argued about which activity was neater.  

Like diminutive politicians they campaigned for their respective morning activity.  I had offered playdough or painting, two coveted crafty things both girls enjoy but we do not do daily.  Because they are messy.  I asked them to agree on what to do while I spent time today working at my computer.  

LIBBY:  Paint!

PORTIA: Playdough!

Uh oh.  My ace in the hole is that I planned for them to do both activities this morning, after they clean up from the first.  I have a lot to do today at the desk and I work sweeter without their cuteness all over me!

Libby begins, "Well, Portia, I do not like to clean up playdough.  It is too messy.  I don't wanna do that."  

Portia rebuts with "...but paint is messy too, it goes EVERYWHERE!"
They look at each other.  Libby says "I do not want to help you clean up if that is what we do. OK?"  She says this so matter of factly and with such weight I can barely cover my grin.    

My horrified grin.  Have I ruined my sweet beauties to the extent they do not have the goofy childish freedom to make a mess?  Am I truly so controlling that THIS is what they consider before doing a craft?  UGH.  UGH!

I almost want to just offer to clean everything up for them, but I do not.  We parent with Love & Logic to keep them responsible for themselves and I do not want to change this.  Hearing them discuss the ramifications of mess level involved with an activity is proof they are wise and thoughtful little girls.  

And that Libby will run for President.

And that maybe I should cook up a big messy activity for us to do together very soon.

Any suggestions for messy activities for this uptight Mama?  Share in the comments!

If you want a Mama Time Out and a great tribe of women to laugh, learn and EAT together, check out Modern Moms here in Valparaiso Indiana.  We do all sorts of things together and you can find out more on our Modern Moms webpage or our Facebook page Modern Moms at Valpo FUMC by clicking here.  All Moms welcome, childcare included!

Visit Heather Novak's profile on Pinterest.

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Oh boy! we are chatting now!