
How to Throw a "Sing for your Supper" Olde Fashioned Dinner Party

I want to hang out with some adults and have a conversation not punctuated with "No more TV!" or "WAITAMINUTE....What are those markers, tape and stapler for?!?"   Charades and Card Games are a SNOOZE.  I'm not quite ready for Bingo Hall yet.  I have little kids, so how exactly could I throw an elegant dinner party?  (Oh yeah, and on a budget!) AND Without much effort.  I did it as a single woman, and I did it as a married mama to two little crazy monkeys: Invite your friends to a a "Sing for Your Supper" dinner party!

Back before TV and the Interweb there was such thing as conversation.  It was practically an art form.  Evenings were also filled with someone playing a piano and others joining in.  A guest may tell a colorful story or perform if they had some unique skill.  I doubt this happens in most homes today and it rarely happens in mine.  We do use cloth napkins and I probably light some candles once or twice a week but that is it.  We are missing something, friends!

Back before TV and the Interweb there was such a 
thing as conversation.

On the Daily Connoisseur blog Jennifer Stevens talks about the French way of preparing a big dinner with several leisurely courses, conversation and connectedness.  Most every night.  They listened to classical music.  Candles were lit.  Feeding wasn't a paper wrapped and styrofoam box was elegant.  I think our souls could use more of this.  Unless your soul is cringing.  If your soul cringes, simply stop reading this and go do something that makes you feel awesome, I won't be offended, I promise.  

Run along.  Go ahead, it is ok.  

OK.  For the rest of you. Use evite or email or just pick up the phone.  The more elegant and fancy you make it the more work you have to do, so whatever works for you.  Maybe you prepare the whole meal, maybe you invite folks to bring potluck.  I've done both.  Invite people to dressed own or up, although I must say the latter is usually more festive.  The key to a Sing for Your Supper dinner is you invite your guests to prepare something to present.  It can be a poem they read or recite from memory.  It can be a song sung or played. It can be a joke or series of jokes.  I had a few poetry and joke books available so if someone wasn't prepared but wanted to be involved once the fun started they could easily step into the fray.  

Usually the performances came at the end of dinner 
and before dessert...
There is a fun game for anyone who doesn't perform: "How Many Marshmallows Can You Stuff Into Your Mouth?"  Hilarious audience participation too, as we needed to count for each contender.  Keep napkins handy.

Usually the performances come at the end of dinner and before dessert, but again it is YOUR party.  Do exactly what pleases you. Candlelight and classical music cast the spell of a bygone era and I highly recommend them.  (Even if dinner, served on china plates, mais bien sur, came from paper or styrofoam containers!) And I would love to hear about your party afterwards.  Especially if you have video or photos,  Bonne Appetite!  

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Oh boy! we are chatting now!