
Buy Local by Bicycle: Silcott's Shoes & Attitudes Salon in Valparaiso, Indiana ROCK!

Can a frugal stay at home mom really shop local on a budget?   Can she go to a boutique shoe store like Silcott's Shoes instead of Target's shoe *ahem* aisle?  Could she get a haircut, go to the bank and not use a car? In same same day?  YOU BET!  I just had a great urban cycling adventure today and have to tell you all about it.

I had to have a haircut.  Most salons are not open on Mondays, but this HAD to happen today.  I decided to give Attitudes Salon another try.  I had an unremarkable haircut from there four years ago, and my bar has slipped down a bit from that time.  I called in, explained I was a difficult customer and the woman on the phone warmly welcomed me and said I should see Lo for a funky haircut.   I had childcare lined up so I made an appointment.

I try to ride my bicycle instead of driving when I can, and since I wasn't trailering kids behind me, I biked.  I could have brought kids with me to the hair salon by the of the things I loved as someone new in town was that Attitudes Salon has a kid room and welcomes kids.  WOW.  I biked there kid free though, got a great haircut from Lo Hernandez. I basically always say I want my hair really fun & sexy, shorter but I want to keep the length, then I show a dozen Pinterest photos of hair cuts mostly belonging to Meg Ryan and Jennifer Aniston.  Yeah.  I am THAT hair client.

Lo Hernandez at Attitudes Salon did a great job with my hair.   I probably wanted it cut a little shorter (maybe a little more drama) but for just getting to know me and being accosted by all those Pinterest pictures, she did awesome & I will be back to her in about two months.  What she did I liked the best was she took the time to show me two styles for my new cut, took before and after pictures with enthusiasm and really listened to my  questions.  She had sass & style and I really like that in my stylists.  

THEN I biked to the bank to deposit a speaking fee I was thrilled to have and stopped at Silcott's Shoes.  You have heard me rave about Silcott's Shoes before.  I only buy about two pairs of shoes a year, usually to replace a worn out pair from the year before.   I have foot & back issues so I really need good comfy stylish shoes.  On a budget.  You may think Silcott's Shoes is an expensive store, but they do not have to their sales, bring a friend for Buy One Get One Discounted options.  
Me: Please notice my Bike helmet.
Brent: I'm smiling, aren't I???

Brent Silcott does sell very elegant and expensively made shoes, but he totally gets the woman on a budget.  I've bought four pairs of shoes from him and have never been disappointed.  Born, Teva, Vionic...Tell him your budget and your desires and he totally can help you out.  He may not smile at you, but you aren't trying to date him, right?  He is too busy thinking about what you want and need for your feet to give you some schmaltzy sales guy smile.  

p.s.  Tell Brent you read about Silcott's Shoes on Heather's 'Live Your Love Out Loud' Blog for a little discount!

He loves shoes and he loves to sell you the right pair of shoes at the right price.  Wouldn't you rather buy a better quality, better fitting shoe for a bigger price tag than three pairs of crummy shoes from Target?  Horrible shoes you wear only once for two hours that hurt your feet and then hide them in the back of your closet so no one knows you cannot wear them?  You deserve better.  Plus, Silcott's is a locally owned store!  

Shopping local is better for everybody & the environment too.  You build stronger relationships with a local business owner or employee like Attitdudes Salon or Silcott's Shoes.  Lo the stylist at Attitudes Salon and I had great conversation and she made me feel sparkly again.  Brent Silcott and Savannah at Silcott's Shoes found me a super buy for a pair of Vionic shoes I can walk, bike or chase children in.  All day.  Shopping local in Valparaiso makes this budget minded mama feel like a bombshell and there is only one thing better:  Riding a bike there.

If you want to ride your bike more often, use your car less, want safer bike lanes, more pathways for bikes or just want to be included on an ice cream social bike ride check out "The Little Mouse NWI" On Facebook. Tell them Heather sent you!

Visit Heather Novak's profile on Pinterest.

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